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Tense in Hindi English Grammar – Types, Rules, PDF

Tense शब्द की उत्पत्ति लेटिन शब्द Tempus से हुई है जिसका सीधा सम्बन्ध समय से है। किसी कार्य के समय तथा उसकी अवस्था को दर्शाता है।

Type of Tense

( i ) Present Tense 
( ii ) Past Tense   

( iii ) Future Tense  

1. Present Tense

PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE :- Present Indefinite Tense में वर्तमान में ओने वाले एक्शन के बारे में बताया जाता है अर्थात जिन वाक्यों में वर्तमान में किसी काम का करना या होना पाया जाता है उसे कहते Present Indefinite Tense है।


( i ) She watches emotional movies.

( ii ) She loves her brother.

Affirmative Sentances :- कोई भी साधारण एवं सकारात्मक वाकय Affirmatibve Sentence कहलाता है। यदि वाक्य का subject he, she, it तथा कोई singular noun हो तो इनके साथ singular verb ( v1 + s/es ) का प्रयोग होता है।

Subject + v1 + s/es + object

NOTE : यदि subject – I, We, You, They, Plural noun हो, तो verb की form हमेश plural होती है।

(i) Students go to the library everyday.

Negative Sentences :- वे वाक्य जिनमें नकारात्मक शब्दों जैसे- no, not आदि का प्रयोग होता है।

Subject + do/does not + v1 + object

प्रयोग :-

  • Do = I, We, You, They (Plural nouns) (Plural subject)
  • Does = He, She, It (Singular nouns) (Singular subject)

Example:- (i) She does not work in Delhi.

(ii) Tulsi does not learn English.

(iii) They do not allow you.

Interrogative Sentences:- वे वाक्य जिनमें प्रश्न पूछने का भाव हो तथा इन वाक्यों में h.v. का subject से पहले किया जाता है।

Do/Does + subject + v, + object + ? 

Example:- (i) Does he attend the class?

(ii) Do we sit here?

Interrogative Negative : वे वाक्य जिनमें नकारात्मक प्रश्न पूछने का भाव होता है।

Do/Does + subject + not + v, + object + ?

Example:- (i) Does teacher not teach the students?

(ii) Do they not live in Delhi?

Interrogative (wh-family) sentences : वे वाक्य जिनमें Wh-family के शब्दों के माध्यम से कोई प्रश्न पूछा जाता है।

Wh-family words (why, what, when, how, where, whom, who
Positive: Wh-word + do/does + subject + v1 + object + ?

Example:- (i) Why do you make a noise?

(ii) Where do you live in Delhi?

Negative: Wh-word + do/does + subject + not + v1+ object + ?

Example:- Why do you not allow him?

(ii) Why does she not open the door?

Note: यदि इन Wh-family words का प्रयोग किन्हीं दो वाक्यों को जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है, तो इनके बाद tense की Interrogative form का नहीं, बल्कि Assertive form का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Example:- (i) I don’t know where does he live? (wrong )

(ii) I don’t know where he lives.( Right )

Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) में verb की base form (v₁) ‘s’ या ‘es’ जोड़कर एक singular verb बनाई जाती है, जिसका प्रयोग singular subject के साथ किया जाता है, लेकिन यह singular verb केवल singular third person के साथ ही प्रयोग होती है।

Third person के लिए singular verb बनाने के लिए verb की base form में निम्नलिखित माध्यमों से परिवर्तन किया जाता है

1. Verbs, जिनके अंत में -ch, -sh, -ss, -X, -z या -o Alphabet हो, उनके बाद ‘es’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Example:- (i) Go-Goes

(ii) Punish – Punishes

(iii) Watch – Watches

2. Verbs जिनके अंत में ‘y’ Alphabet हों, तो ‘y’ हटा कर ‘ies’ का प्रयोग किया जाता है

Example:- (i) Cry – Cries (ii) Try – Tries (iii) Study – Studies (iv) Worry – Worries

3. कुछ ऐसे verbs है जिनके अंत में एक vowel और ‘y’ हो तो उन शब्दों के अंत में केवल ‘s’ लगाकर singular verb बनाया जाता है।

Example:- (i) Play – Plays

(ii) Enjoy – Enjoys

(iii) Stay – Stays

(iv) Display – Displays

Important Facts of Present Indefinite Tense

  1. प्रतिदिन सामान्य रूप से या बार बार किये जाने वाले कार्य:-

Example:- (i) I go for a walk every morning.

(ii) My father gets up early in the morning

2. सार्वभौमिक सत्य (Universal Truth):-

Example:- (i) The sun rises in the east.

(ii) The carth revolves around the sun.

3. अनियमित कार्य (Irregular work) :-

Example:- Earthquake comes in Nepal oftenly.

4. T.V. एवं Radio पर Commentaries में भी Simple Present Tense का प्रयोग होता है।

Example:- (i) Tendulkar strikes the ball.

(ii) The Cabinet Minister signs the deal.

5. तथ्यों के लिए Simple Present Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Example:- (i) A cow has four legs.

(ii) My brother lives in England.

6. निर्धारित कार्य जी नियमित रूप से होते है।

Example:- (i) The shop opens at 10 A.M.

(ii) The assembly bell rings at 7:30.

7. Here तथा There से शुरू होने वाले exclamatory वाक्यों में भी Simple Present Tense का ही प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Example:- (i) Here comes the bus!

(ii) There goes she!

8. Future planned action के लिए भी Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Example:- (i) The Prime Minister leaves for America next week.

(ii) Mr. Sharma retires on 31″ March.

9. यदि किसी वाक्य में always, never, usually, daily, every year, every week, twice a year आदि दिए गए हो तो भी Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग होता है।

Example:- (i) He is usually going to movie. ❌ (wrong )

He usually goes to movie. ✅ ( Right )

(ii) Reena is often coming late. ❌ (wrong )

Reena often comes late. ✅ ( Right )

(ii) Present Continuous Tense :

Present Continuous वर्तमान में हो रही किसी घटना ,चल रहे किसी कार्य या बात को दर्शाता है।

(i) The students are learning poem.

(ii) We are going to attend the seminar

Affirmative Sentences:-

Subject + is/am/are + v1 + ing + object
 I+am, You+are, They+are, He/She/It+is

Example:- (i) The children are making a noise.

(ii) She is reading a book

Negative Sentences :

Subject + is/am/are + not + v1 + ing + object

Example:- (i) We are not watching the match now.

(ii) She is not singing a song.

Interrogative तथा Interrogative Negative Sentences:

Interrogative :

Is/Am/Are + subject + v1+ ing + object + ? 

Example:- (i) Are you watching television?

(ii) Is Sumit singing now?

Interrogative Negative :

Is/Am/Are + subject + not + v1 + ing + object + ? 

Example:- (i) Am I not going to school?

(ii) Are you not coming here?

Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words (why, what, when, how, where, whom, who)


Wh-word + is/am/are + subject + v1 + object? 

Negative :

 Wh-word + is/am/are + subject + not + v1 + object?

Example:- (i) What are you doing now?

(ii) Why are we not reading a book?

Important Facts Present Continuous Tense

  1. यदि किसी वाक्य में Now / These days? At this moments आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया गया है तब Present Continuous Tense का प्रयोग होता है।

Example (i) He sleeps now. ❌ (wrong )

He is sleeping now. ✅ ( Right )

(ii) Gita learns English these days. . ❌ (wrong )

Gita is learning English these days. ✅ ( Right )

2. Near future (निकट भविष्य) में खत्म होने वाले planned कार्य को बताने के लिए भी present

continuous tense का प्रयोग होता है।

(i) The Prime Minister is going to Delhi tomorrow.

(ii) Mr. Amithabh is speaking at the media conference this evening.

3. कुछ Verbs का प्रयोग Continuous Tense में नहीं किया जाता, जो निम्न प्रकार है

Remember, mind, mean, think, know, suppose, please, see, taste, smell prefer, hear, recognize, notice, have, belong, comprise, contain, consist, own, possess, believe, dislike, adore, wish, hate, like, love, want, desire, agree, imagine, look, appear, resemble, require, hope, seem, affect, cost, become, refuse. 

– उपरोक्त सभी Verbs को हम Stative verbs या Non-conclusive verbs भी कहते हैं, एवं इनका । प्रयोग Continuous Tense में करना गलत होता है।

Example:- (i) We are seeing with our eyes. ❌ (wrong )

We see with our eyes. ✅ ( Right )

(ii) You are believing in God. ❌ (wrong )

You believe in God. ✅ ( Right )

(iii) Are you smelling something burning? (Incorrect)

Do you smell something burning? ✅ (Correct)

  • उपरोक्त verbs में से कुछ Verbs का प्रयोग Continuous Tense में किया जा सकता है, जब इनका अर्थ ।

अलग हो।

(1) जब ‘see’ का अर्थ meet (मिलना) हो तथा feel का अर्थ touch (छूना) या examine (जाँचना) हो, तो इनका प्रयोग ‘ing’ form में किया जा सकता है।

Example:- (i) I am seeing my lawyer today.

(ii) The doctor is feeling the pulse of the patient.

(ii) जब ‘hear’ को अर्थ ‘सुनना’. think का अर्थ ‘विचार करना’.appear का अर्थ ‘प्रतीत होना’ look का अर्थ ‘देखना” तथा have का अर्थ अधिकार होना’ होता है, तो इनको ‘ing form में नहीं लिखा जा सकता। लेकिन अगर hear का अर्थ ‘सुनवाई करना’, think का अर्थ ‘ होने वाली चीजों पर विचार करना’, appear का अर्थ ‘प्रकट होना’, look का अर्थ ‘खोजना’ तथा have का अर्थ ‘आनन्द उठाना/खाना’ होता – है, तो इनको ‘ing form’ में लिखा जा सकता है।

Example:- (1) I heard ( सुनना ) that she had died.

The judge is hearing ( सुनवाई करना ) my case.

(ii) He thinks ( सोचना ) I am wrong.

I am thinking ( विचार करना ) to start preparation of SSC.

(iii) He looks ( दिखना ) handsome.

She is looking ( खोजना ) for a job.

(iii) Present Perfect Tense :

Present Perfect Tense से यह पता चलता है कि कोई काम वर्तमान काल में अभी-अभी समाप्त हुआ है। ।

Affirmative Sentences :

Subject + has/have + v3 + object
HAS = He, She, It, Singular noun
HAVE = I, We, You, They, Plural noun

Example:- (i) I have completed my project.

(ii) He has left the class.

Negative Sentences :

Subject + has/have + not + v3 +object

Example:- (i) I have not completed my project.

(ii) He has not left the class.

Interrogative तथा Interrogative Negative Sentences

Interrogative :

Has/have + subject + v, + object + ? 

E.g. (i) Has Rahul sold his car?

(ii) Have you finished the work?

Interrogative Negative :

Has/have +subject+not+ v, + object + ? 

E.g. (i) Have they not filed a petition?

(ii) Has Rakhi not helped me?

Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words (why, what, when, how, where, whom, who)


Wh- word + has/have + subject + v, + object + ? 

Negative :

Wh- word + has/have + subject +not+ , + object + ?

E.g. 6) How have you managed it? (ii) Why has she not helped me? Important Facts of Present Perfect Tense 1.

Yet, already, upto, lately, recently, so far, ever 35 year तो Present Perfect Tense का प्रयोग होता है। E.g. (i) Haven’t you finished the work yet?

(ii) I have already seen the match.

(iii) Have you ever been to America? 2. afsnad Pasta

Sh Present Perfect Te Past Indefinite का प्रयोग होता है। E.g. (i) I have visited Mumbai two years ago. (Incorrect) I visited Mumbai two years ago.

(Correct) (ii) Harshit Saumitra has ascended at Kala Pathar in 2015.

Harshit Saumitra ascended at Kala Pathar in 2015. 3.

Present Perfect Tense f e lt, This is the first time It is the first time This is the worst

(/that) + subject + has/have + va This is the easiest

E.g. () This is the best wine, I have ever drunk.

(ii) This is the easiest job, I have ever got. ITVI PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Present Perfect Continuous

कुछ ऐसे कार्यों के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है, जो भूतकाल (past) में किसी समय में शुरू हुए हों तथा अभी तक चल रहे हों। E.g. He has been studying for two hours.

Affirmative Sentences :

Subject + has/have been +V1 + ing+ object+ since/for + time 

Example:- (i) Rahul has been writing a book for a month.

(ii) She has been singing a song since morning.

Negative Sentences :

Subject + has/have + not + been + v1 + ing + object + since/for + time

Example:- (i) You have not been working for seven days.

(ii) They have not been learning since Monday.

Interrogative and Interrogative Negative Sentences Interrogative:

Has/have + subject + been + v + ing + object + since/for + time + ? 

Example:- Has he been playing for five hours?

Interrogative Negative:

Has/have + subject +not+ been + v + ing + object + since/for + time + ? 

Example: Have they not been working since Monday?

Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words ( why, what, when, how, where, whom, who )


Wh-word + has/have + subject + been+v, +ing + since/for+time+ ?

Negative :

Wh-word+has/have+subject+not+been+v, ting+since/for+time+? 

Example:- (i) Why have you been doing this work since morning?

(ii) Why has she been working for five days?

Important Facts of Present Perfect Continuous Tense :

1. Verbs जिनको continuous form में नहीं बदला जा सकता है, ऐसे verbs के साथ present perfect tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

Example:- I _ him since my childhood.

(a) Know

(b) Have known

(c) Have been knowing

(d) Had been knowing

Ans. (b): 58 ‘know verb in f . fel continuous form 62-14 sufery answer (c) ay (a)

sin answer (b) ET CHRI: present perfect continuous what do sentence पता चल जाए कि कार्य शुरू होने के समय से आज तक चल रहा है। E.g. He has been taking classes for one year. उपरोक्त वाक्य से यह ज्ञात हो रहा है कि वह एक वर्ष से क्लास ले रहा है।

 Present Perfect और Present Perfect Continuous म अतर Present perfect tens e amslation for t Present perfect continuous tense को हमेशा since for जैसे timedenotine wordaके साथ use किया जाता है। यह ऐसे unfinished actioneam meani एचआरवतमान ममाचल रहहाइसक विपरीत

Tesent perfect tensestaincomfort भी प्रयोग किया जा सकता हलाकन एसा स्थितिमा Present perfect tense comsletion को शांताना कुछ उदाहरणाकमाध्यम ससमझ Eg (1) 1 have been living in Delhi for two years. Correct) fii) I have lived in Delhi for two years

(Correct) उपरोक्त दोनों वाक्य ही सही है अतर सिर्फ यह है कि पाते वाक्य में कार्य post में शुरू हुआ और वर्तमान में भी चल रहा जबकि दूसरे वाक्य में (two vears) समय का completion हो चुका है, लेकिन action

अभी भी continuity में है। 2. Since का प्रयोग point of time के लिए और for का period of time के लिए होता है।

For को Present perfect और present perfect continuous दोनों tenses में प्रयोग किया जा सकता है तथा दोनों ही tense के वाक्यों के अर्थ में कोई विशेष अतर भी नहीं होता है, परंतु since का प्रयोग present perfect tense में तब ही किया जा सकता है, जब वाक्य में कोई result दिया गया हो या किसी action का। completion दर्शाया गया हो।

E.g. I have been writing novels since 2013. (Correct)

I have been writing ten novels since 2013. (Incorrect)

1 have written ten novels since 2013. Correct) उपरोक्त पहले वाक्य में कार्य pastक किसी point of time से शरूआ और वर्तमान में भी चल रहा है। दूसरे वाक्य में result दर्शाया गया है कि ten novels लिखी जा चुकी है. इसलिए यह वाक्य केवल Present perfect tense में ही बनाया जा सकता है। एक अन्य उदाहरण के माध्यम से समझें। जैसे

I have been liking swimming since I was a child. (Incorrect) I have liked swimming since I was a child.

(Correct) अभ्यास के लिए कुछ उदाहरण और देखेंti) I have been teaching German for four years. (Denoting Duration of time) til I have been teaching German since 2013. (Denoting point of time)

I have known her for two years. (Stative verb which can not be converted into y

ing. Sentence is showing completion of time as well.) tivi I have known her since 2010. (Showing completion of time and stative verb can be

made only in present perfect tense)


Simple past 4 Past indefinite tense action को दर्शाता जो past में शुरूहमा और past में ही किसी specifle time पर समाप्त हो गया हो। जब nresent से past का किसा eventuaction कभार ममात काजाता.वबsimple past tense का प्रयोग होता है| simple Past का प्रयोग निम्न वाक्यों या परिस्थितयों में किया जाता

1. Past में एक के बाद एक होने वाले actions यानि completed action काneries दशनि वाले

sentence, simple past में बनाए जाते हैंE.g. finished my project, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to have dinner.

She came home, took off her jacket and sat down. .2. Past में होने वाले actions जिनके बीच में दूसरा action हो जाए–

E.. When I was cooking food, the door bell suddenly rang Affirmative Sentences : Subject + v + object

E… (i) Rahul purchased a new car

I wrote a letter to Ashok.

Negative Sentences : Subject + did +not+ v + object

E.g. ) She did not allow you to attend the class.

fii) The police did not catch the robber.

iii) Rohit did not leave for Kolkata last night. Interrogative Interrogative Negative Sentences Interrogative : Did + subject + v + object + ? E.g. Did you break the garden wall?

Did she invite you? Interrogative Negative : Did + subject +not+ v + object+ ? E.g. (l) Did the police not catch the thief? fiv) Did he not go there? Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words why, what, when, how, where, whom, who

Positive : Wh-word + did + subject + v + object + ? Negative : Wh-word + did + subject +not+ v + object + ? E.g. (6) Why did he not go to market yesterday?

(ii) Where did she wash the clothes? Important Facts of Past Indefinite Tense 1. यदि किसी वाक्य में कछ ऐसे शब्दों का प्रयोग हो, जो Past क बार म बताएं, तो हमेशा Simple Past का प्रयोग ही होगा। Yesterday, Previous day,

Gut , ale helping verb Ago, Last day, Last week,

UT Last year, Last month, etc. main verb past indefinite

Note: दोनों ही conditions में यदि इन शब्दों का प्रयोग sentence में कहीं भी हो, लेकिन जो नजदीक की verb या helping verb होगी सिर्फ वही Past Indefinite में होगी। E. Thave come fal / to know that his father [b]/has died last week (C)/ No error (d) Exp.: Sentence में last week वाक्य के अंत में है, जिससे यह पता चलता है कि जो मृत्यु हुई थी. वह पिछले

हफ्ते की घटना है। इसलिए ‘has died’ की जगह ‘died’ होगा। 2. यदि किसी वाक्य की शरूआत Itiatime/It is about time/It is high time आदि शब्दा से हो, तो

हमेशा past indefinite का ही प्रयोग होगा। E… (i) It is about time they have taken their children to school. (Incorrect) It is about time they took their children to school.

(Correct) (ii) It is time we have renovated our house.

(Incorrect) It is time we renovated our house.

(Correct) Note: लेकिन अगर इन शब्दों के बाद To’ का प्रयोग हुआ हो, तो इनके बाद हमेशाv, का ही प्रयोग होता है। E.g. (i) It is time to play.

(ii) It is time togo. 3. आमतौर पर do/does तथा did का प्रयोग affirmative positive वाक्य में नहीं होता। लेकिन, यदि main

verb पर जोर देना हो, तो do/does तथा did का प्रयोग main verb के पहले किया जा सकता है। याद रहे “do/does” तथा “did” के बाद का प्रयोग होगा। E.g. I did helped him. (x)

Idid help him.

Simple Past और Present Perfect Tense में अंतर

अक्सर competitive परीक्षाओं में tense के आधार पूछे जाने वाल अधिकतर प्रश्न Past indefinite और Present perfect tense से ही लिए जाते हैं। ये दोनों tense आपस में confusion पैदा करते हैं, इसलिए इन्हें विस्तार से समझना आवश्यक है। 1. Present perfect tense ऐसे actions (कार्यो) को दर्शाता है, जो past में शुरू हुए थे और Present

में भी चल रहे हैं। Simple past ऐसे actions को दर्शाता है, जो पूरी तरह पूर्ण (complete) हो चुके हैं। E.g. (i) I went to the water park yesterday.

(11) She has worked in this company for one years. उपरोक्त पहले वाक्य में, Past Indefinite का प्रयोग किया गया है क्योंकि यहाँ कार्य past में ही खत्म हो चका है, लेकिन दूसरे वाक्य में present perfect tense का प्रयोग किया गया है क्योंकि (she) किसी के काम करने की अवधि/साल बता रहा है. लाकन वह अभी भी उस company में job कर रही है। Present perfect tensealready. yet, so far, recently इत्यादि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता हा इसी प्रकार, Past indefinite tense किसी मृत व्यक्ति द्वारा किए गए finished action. उसकी state या habit को दर्शाता है। E.g. (i) I have visited Germany four times

past indefinite tense yesterday/ago, last/previous day/month/year week आदि शब्दों का प्रयोग किया जाता है। E.g. ) He has already solved this puzzle. (Present perfect tense)

(ii) She visited her aunt yesterday. (Past indefinite tense)

(II) PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: यदि कोई कार्य जो भूतकाल (Past) में Continue हो, वह Past

Continuous maal 1 • Affirmative Sentences : Subject + wan/were + v + ing + object

Was – 1/he/she/it/singular noun


They/we/you/plural noun

E.g. (i) We were playing football.

(ii) He was going to shopping mall.

Negative Sentences : Subject + was/were + not + + ing + object E.g. i) It was not working properly. (ii) They were not discussing the problems. Interrogative Interrogative Negative Sentences Interrogative: Was/were + subject + v + ing + object? Interrogative Negative : Wan/were + subject +not+ , + ing + object? E.g. Was he swimming in the river? (ii) Were they not watching T.V.? Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words (why, what, when, how, where, whom, who] 3

Positive: Wh-word + was/were + subject + v, + ing + object? Negative: Wh-word + was/were + subject +not+ , + ing + object? E.g. Where were the boys playing the cricket match?

(ii) Why was he not going to attend the class?

Past Continuous

Important Facts of Past Continuous Tense 1. 4 Past Simultaneously ( )

, Tense * W41 FIAT E.s. (i) While she was playing, I was watching T.V.

(ii) While I was reading, he was singing. 2. W those days

past continuous tense E.g. Rajesh and Manish went to gym those days.

Rajesh and Manish were going to gym those days.

या कमी (gradual increase/decrese) को दशनि के लिए भी get..

continuous tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।

16 From Plinth to Paramount (lume-1 3. F r yf (gradual incre

become के साथ past continuous tense का E.g. fb) It was getting colder and colder day by day fil) That tree was growing larger and larger.

Tense का प्रयोग हमेशा past के उन कार्यों के लि (III) PAST PERFECT TENSE: Past Perfect Tense 14 . past of


ll E.g. (i) I had eaten the food.

(ii) I had gone to Jaipur. Affirmative Sentences : Subject + had + v + object


(i) I had written a letter to you. (ii) You had warned him.

Negative Sentences : Subject + had +not+ , + object

E.g. (1) He had not gone to Agra

(ii) They had not played well.

Interrogative IT Interrogative Negative Sentences: Had + subject +, + object E. ( Had I recognized you? fi) Had you not given him some money? Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences


Wh-family words why, what, when, how, where, whom, who

Positive : Wh-word + had + subject + v + object + ?

Negative: Wh-word + had + subject +not+ , + object + ?

E.g. (i) Why had you not met him? (ii) Where had he submitted the documents?

Important Facts of Past Perfect Tense 1nft

sequence o

n # 4 past indefinite tu

Action Before we reached the station, the train had left

Past indefinite

past perfect



के अनुसार समझाया गया है।

train R


Before + subject + V. Subject + had + v + obiect



subject had +

Subject + v + obiect


Before After

EE. We got everything ready long before they arrived. (Incorrect)

We had got everything ready long before they arrived. Correct

had – V fi) He switched off the light after he closed the door. incorrect) He switched off the light after he had closed the door. (Correct)

had + V, Note: Before तथा By the time दोनों शब्दों को आप बिना हिन्दी बनाए Direct Trick से भी

E.g. (i) Before I left Florence, I wanted to visit the gallery Incorrect)

Before I left Florence, I had wanted to visit the gallery. (Correct) (ii) By the time he reached the station, the train left.

incorrect By the time he reached the station, the train had left. Correct Conditional sentences sentences of imaginary condition Past perfect tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है। E. (If I had completed that work, I would have informed you.

) Had he gotten the books, he would have given them to me


LIVJ PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: यदि कोई कार्य past में शुरू होकर past में ही

खत्म हुआ हो.तो past perfect continuous का प्रयोग किया जाता है, जिसमें समय का बोध भी होता हो। . Afirmative Sentences : Subject + had been v ing object since/fortime E.g. (i) She had been waiting for me for two hours

fil) I had been reading since morning Negative Sentences : Subject had not been v ing objectsinee/for time E. (1) Nehn had not been playing since 8:00 O’clock.

fil) The child had not been crying since morning. Interrogative Interrogative Negative Sentences Interrogative + Had+ subject. been , in ohjeet since/for+time? Interrogative Negative :

Had subject not been + ing object + Rince/for+time+PI E. Had he been trying to contact them for five hours?

Had they been dancing since evening? iiEnd she not been waiting for him for an hour?

Had I not been flying kites since evening? Before 3 Ago :

Before: Before का प्रयोग Past perfect tense में Past moment से पहले हुई किसी घटना, क्रिया या eff et , fe Before, Past of past Past perfect tense at

Note: Before’ का प्रयोग तब किया जाता है जब समय के बारे में निश्चितता न हो यानि ऐसे वाक्य में कोई

Time expression’ हो ऐसा अनिवार्य नहीं है। उदाहरणों के माध्यम से समझें

(Correct) E.g. (i) Have you seen John before?

(Correct) (ii) I have toleave before my appointment time was due. उपरोक्त वाक्यों में ‘Time expression’ नहीं दिया गया है, परंतु before का प्रयोग Past Perfect Tense के साथ हुआ है। कुछ और उदाहरण देखेंE.g. (i) I reached the station at 5:30 P.M.. but the train had left ten minutes before. उपरोक्त वाक्य में Past की दो घटनाओं के बारे में बताया गया है यहाँ एक action पहले और दूसरा बाद में हुआ हा एस वाक्यों में सबसे पहले हुए action, past perfect tense में before के साथ प्रयाग हागा आर। दूसरा simple past में।

(11) My sister was happy when got this job, because she had lost her previous

job three month before. पहले और दूसरे वाक्य में ‘time expression’ दिया गया है, परंतु दो actions एक के बाद एक घटित हो रहे हैं। पहला action past perfect tense में और दूसरा action, simple past tense में बनाया जाता है। Ago: Ago का प्रयोग Simple Past Tense में, Present से पहले हुई किसी घटना, क्रिया या गतिविधि के लिए किया जाता है। ऐसी घटना जिसमें “Time expression’ जैसे 20 साल पहले, 10 मिनट पहले या 2 हफ्ते पहले दिए हो, Ago के साथ बनाए जाते हैं। उदाहरणों से समझेंE.g. (i) I met this girl three years ago.

fii) My brother graduated from Kirori Mal college five years ago.

(iii) She called me up two minutes ago. INote – Before और Ago में मुख्य अंतर यह है कि Before, past से किसी past action या events के बारे में बताता है जबकि ago, present से किसी past action या event के बारे में बताता है।


(I) FUTURE INDEFINITE TENSE: ऐसे कोई भी कार्य जो भविष्य में किए जाएंगे. वे Future

Indefinite में आते हैं। E.g. (i) Ishall study.

(ii) He will play cricket. Affirmative Sentences: Subject + will/shall +v. +oblecti E.C. (i) He will finish the work. (ii) Ishall attend the class. Negative Sentences : Subject + will/shall + not + v, + object E.g. (i) She will not come here. (ii) We shall not allow him to go there. Interrogative Interrogative Negative Sentences Interrogative: Wii/shall + subject + , + object + ? Interrogative Negative : Will/shall + subject+not+ , + object ?

E.g. (1) will they come tomorrow? (ii) Shall we not sleep?

Note: I will not = won’t (Correct) Shall not shan’t (Correct) Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words why, what, when, how, where, whom, who

Positive: Wh-word + will/shall + subject + v, + object+? Negative : Wh-word + will/shall + subject +not+ , + object + ?

E.g. (1) Why shall I buy a new T. V.? (ii) Why shall I not buy a new T.V? Important Facts of Future Indefinite Tense

यदि किसी sentence में भविष्य को दर्शाने के लिए कुछ शब्द, जैसे tomorrow, next year, next month

e next week 37 at 11 W El, a future indefinite tense 1 gia di E.g. (i) I shall take my examination next year.

(ii) I shall be thirty on my next birthday. 2. जैसा कि present indefinite में बताया गया है कि planned future कार्य को future में न बताकर ।

present indefinite TI E.g. (i) Mr. Gupta retires on 31″October.

(ii) The P.M. visits Maharashtra tomorrow. 3. Future tense में shall का प्रयोग । तथा we (First person) के साथ तथा अन्य सभी pronouns जैसे ।

you (Second person), he, she, it, they (Third person), etc. 14 will T T TTTI E.g. () We shall clean the door. (ii) She will sing a song. ‘We’ यहाँ First Person है इसलिए ‘We’ के साथ Shall का प्रयोग किया गया है तथा ‘she’ यहाँ Third Person . sufey will

o f $1 4. He, she, you, they तथा it के साथ कुछ conditions में shall का तथा L, we के साथ ‘will’ का प्रयोग

किया जाता है, जब वाक्य में वादा (Promise), धमकी (Threat) या दृढ़ संकल्प (Determination) का

Hati E.g. (i) I will inform your father about your failure. (Threat)

(ii) He shall help me. (Promise) 5. I shall 1’1171 He will * He’ll for at foruh will/shall we h ad

abbreviated form कहते हैं। Note : Will/shall के प्रयोग की अधिक जानकारी के लिए verb (basic) देखें।


Future Continuous Tense stata riti • Affirmative Sentences : Subject + will/shall + bo + v, + ing + objec

He will be playing cricket in the evening (i) They will be writing a letter in this evening.

not be + V + ing + object

werative Sentences Negative Sentences : Subject

Subiect will/shall

W.B Reena will not be any song in T shall not be playing chess. Interrogative Interrogative Negative Sentences Will/shall + subject + not be + v + ing + object E.g. ( Shall I be playing cricket?

(ii) Shall we not be watching TV? Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words (why, what, when, how, where, whom, who

Positive: Wh-word + will/shall + subject + be + v, + ing + object

Negative: Wh-word will/shall subject not+bo + v, + ing + object E.. ) Why shall allow you to go there? In Why shall I not be paying for you?

Important Facts of Future Continuous Tense faut fazar

(fixed programme or plan) SIH fout future continuous tense

di E.g. ) Nitin will be going to Jaipur next month.

(H) We shall be working on this project till the end of this month.

FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: Future Perfect Tense से ऐसे कार्य का पता चलता है, जो कि भविष्य । में किसी निश्चित समय तक खत्म हो चुका होगा।

Affirmative Sentences : Subject will/shall have + v + object

E.g. (i) He will have completed the project next year.

(ii) They will have reached here by 06:00 am.

Negative Sentences : Subject + will/shall not have + v, obiect

i) Renu will not have completed that work by 2019.

til) I shall not have written that book by next month

Interrogative Interrogative Negative Sentences Interrogative: Will/shall + subject + have + v, + object? Interrogative Negative: Will/shall subject +not+have+, + object + ? E.g. Will you not have done that work by tomorrow evening? Interrogative (Wh-family) sentences

Wh-family words (why, what, when, how, where, whom, who

Positive: Wh-word + shall/will + subject + have + v + object ? Negative: Wh-word + shall/will + subject + have not + + object E.g. (i) Why will he have finished the work?

(ii) Why will you have not attended the class?

Facts of Future Perfect Tense

1. भविष्य में एक के बाद एक जब दो कार्य हों, तो जो कार्य पहले हो चुका होगा, उसके लिए future perfect

tense का प्रयोग होता है तथा जो काम बाद में होगा उसके लिए simple present tense का प्रयोग । start E.g. (i) He will have left before you reach there. First action

Secand action (ii) I shall have watched this movie before my father arrives there. First action

Sondtion 2. Future perfect tense में will/shall के साथ has का प्रयोग न करके हमेशा have का प्रयोग होता है. इससे sentence के subject पर कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा।

VI FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Future perfect continuous tense ng

हमेशा भविष्य की उस घटना के लिए होता है.जो भविष्य में किसी निश्चित समय तक जारी रहेगी।

E.g. We shall have been flying kites from morning next Sunday.
अगले रविवार को हम सुबह से पतंग उड़ा रहे होंगे।

Affirmative Sentences: Bubject + shall/will have been + v, + ing from/ for time

E.g. (1) The families will have been living in Mumbai from 2007
(ii) We shall have been working in this organization for four years by the

next year. Negative Sentences

Subject + shall/will + not + have been + v + ing + from/for + time E.g. Rahul will not have been watching T. V. from 02:00 o’clock.

Interrogative and Interrog

negative and Interrogative Negative Sentences “gative: Shall/Ill ambleat have been + v + ing + from/tor + time

Interrogative Negative :

have been + V + ing + from/tor + time

Shan/will + subject + not

(i) till have been teaching the students from morning?

(ii) Will she not have been learning music for five

important Facts of Future Perfect Continuous Tense

perfect continuous में since का प्रयोग न करके 1. Since a From : Future perfect continuous from का प्रयोग किया जाता है। Since का प्रयोग हम past time के sense को व्यक्त करन क लिए करते है, परंतु from का प्रयोग future perfect continuous म भावष्य कस E.g. (i) I shall have been teaching the students from 12th January, 2020.

(ii) Ashok will have been pursuing his MBA from 30th June next year. 2. From का प्रयोग past/present/future में time बताने के लिए भी किया जाता है। E.g. (i) You will attend the class since Tuesday next. (Incorrect)

You will attend the class from Tuesday next. (Correct)

ध्यान रखने योग्य बातें :

1. Since और For का प्रयोग निम्न Tenses में किया जाता है

  • Present perfect continuous
  • Past perfect continuous .
  • Future perfect continuous

2. Since का प्रयोग हमेशा निश्चित समय (Point of time), जैसे since 7:00 O’clock/last night/ Monday आदि के साथ होता है।

3. For का प्रयोग अनिश्चित समय अवधि को दर्शाता है , जैसे – For two hours, for four days, For a long time, for centuries आदि।

E.g. (i) How long were you learning English for? (Incorrect)

How long have you been learning English for? (Correct)

(ii) It is raining here for two hours. (Incorrect)

It has been raining here for two hours, (Correct)

(iii) I have been living in Mumbai since five years. (Incorrect)

I have been living in Mumbai for five years. (Correct)

(iv) Nisha had been waiting for me for 01:00 O’clock. (Incorrect)

Nisha had been waiting for me since 01:00 O’clock. (Correct)

इस आर्टिकल में सभी 12 Tenses (काल) की DefinitionRules वो भी Tense Charts और PDF के साथ बिल्कुल सरल Hindi और English में उपलब्ध है। आपसे मेरी request है कि इस English Grammar आर्टिकल में दिये एक एक वीडियो को, एक एक Chart को ध्यान से देखिए, समझिए और नोट्स बनाइए। मेरा दावा है, आप Tense अच्छे से सीख जायेंगे।

” Dear Aspirants ” Rednotes आपकी तैयारी को आसान बनाने के लिए हर संभव कोशिश करने का पूरा प्रयास करती है। यहाँ पर आप भिन्न भिन्न प्रकार के टेस्ट दे सकते है जो सभी नए परीक्षा पैटर्न पर आधारित होते है। और यह टेस्ट आपकी तैयारी को और सुदृढ़ करने का काम करेगी। हमारे सभी टेस्ट निशुल्क है। अगर आपको हमारे द्वारा बनाये हुए टेस्ट अच्छे लगते है तो PLEASE इन्हे अपने दोस्तों, भाई, बहनो को जरूर share करे। आपको बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।

  • NOTE :- अगर Mock Tests में किसी प्रकार की समस्या या कोई त्रुटि हो, तो आप हमे Comment करके जरूर बताइयेगा और हम आपके लिए टेस्ट सीरीज को और बेहतर कैसे बना सकते है इसलिए भी जरूर अपनी राय दे।

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